Die Box Nightstalkers von Mantic Games aus der Serie Kings Of War enthält 20 Modelle aus Plastik im 28mm Maßstab.
- 40 Hard Plastic Spectres/Scarecrows
- 5 Resin and Plastic Shadowhounds
- 3 Plastic Butchers
- 1 Plastic Horror
- 1 Resin Shade
- Plastic and MDF Square Bases
- 3 multi-part resin Fiend miniatures
- 50mm square MDF bases
- 5 Horrors aus Plastik
- 3 Resin Needlefangs Swarms
- 40mm Square Bases
- 7 Plastik Phantoms
- 3 Resink Phantoms
- Bases
- 7 Plastik Reaper Models
- 3 Plastik Reaper Models
- Bases
- 7 Plastik Shadowhound Modelle
- 3 Resin Shadowhound Modelle
- Bases
- 1 mehrteilges Plastikmodell
- 1 x 75mm Base
- 40 Multipart Hard Plastic Scarecrows/Spectres
- 40x 20mm Plastic Square Bases/li>
- 1 x Multipart Terror aus Plastik und Resin
- 1 x 75mm MDF Square Base/li>