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In The Drowned City Campaign Expansion, one to four investigators explore the mysterious and deadly city of R’lyeh as it rises from the ocean’s depths. As you venture into the tomb-like ruin, you’ll scale the city’s crumbling foundations, scour the sea floor for alien artifacts, navigate mind-bending machinery and shifting corridors, and discover an ancient history that was drowned with the city itself.
Along the way, you’ll experience a unique story that changes based on your chosen investigator, and it all culminates in a climactic battle against Cthulhu himself!
Anzahl Spieler bis: 4
Spieldauer: 45
Alter ab: 14
Sprache: DE
- A new Campaign Expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, featuring a thrilling adventure in an ancient, alien city.
- Players choose whether to explore R’lyeh from the east or the west, with the order and setup of the scenarios changing based on their decision.
- Each investigator is assigned a “Task” at the beginning of the campaign, providing them with unique goals and side objectives to complete alongside the main story.
- The campaign culminates in an epic battle with the iconic Great Old One himself, Cthulhu, in a confrontation that will determine the fate of Arkham itself.
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