Das Set Baden Powell von North Star aus der Serie British South Africa Company enthält 2 Modelle aus Metall im 28mm Maßstab.
Die Modelle werden unbemalt geliefert.
Hersteller Beschreibung:
Robert Baden Powell, famous for founding the Boy Scout movement, was a British Officer in 1896. He was part of the expedition of Imperial Forces sent to Rhodesia to put down the Matabele Rebellion.
It was his experiences of the war, and working with the American scout Burnham, that first gave him the ideas that led to the Scout Movement.
His diary of the campaign is an excellent eye witness account of the war and is available to read online.
The Baden Powell pack comes as a mounted and dismounted set.
North Star Africa are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted.
Product safety information
Manufacturer information:
North Star Military Figures Limited
Lenton Boulevard
Nottingham, Vereinigtes Königreich, NG7 2BD
Responsible person:
Lange Str. 54
Wolfsburg, Deutschland, 38448