By Fire and Sword, ein englisch sprachiges Miniaturen Tabletopspiel im 15 mm Maßstab
By Fire and Sword ist ein historisches Strategiespiel, mit dem die zahlreiche Konflikte, die in Mittel- und Osteuropa in der Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts stattfanden, als Tabletopspiel nachgestellt werden können. Sei es das Rekonstruieren historischer Zusammenstöße oder dem Erkunden von "Was wäre, wenn"-Szenarien. Kommandiere die Reihen disziplinierter schwedischer Infanterie, tapferer Moloitsy, furchterregende Tataren, eifrige Marinsaries und die Kavallerie, der geflügelten Husaren, in die Schlacht.
Herstellerbeschreibung: By Fire and Sword is a historical wargame which allows you to recreate on a tabletop the numerous engagements that occurred in Central and Eastern Europe during the middle of the seventeenth century. The book you hold in your hands contains the rules for the second edition of the game. In it, we have combined years of experience, modern game mechanics, and our extensive knowledge of the era into a unique product that will allow you to lead 17th century armies into battle, whether reconstructing historical clashes or exploring "what if" scenarios. On picturesque battlefields, gamers play out clashes using detailed 15mm scale figures. Command disciplined ranks of Swedish infantry, valiant moloitsy, fearsome Tatars, zealous janissaries and, of course, the world's finest cavalry, the winged hussars, into battle. BY FIRE AND SWORD PROVIDES:
- Historical accuracy
- Dynamic gameplay based on an alternating activation system
- Original mechanics for issuing Orders
- Two levels of gameplay, which allows players to fight both smaller and larger engagements
- Varied factions using different strategies
- The possibility to play games with asymmetric forces
- Player-friendly rules based on contemporary gaming practices