Guilang (Hacker) für das Tabletop Spiel Infinity von Corvus Belli
Guiláng (Ghost Wolf) Skirmishers are the special arctic branch of the Yu Jing State Army. Their comprehensive training in the icy planet Svalarheima is adjusted to the operational profile of the corps, that is: infiltration and camouflage techniques. The Guiláng can carry out missions that include waterborne and/or airborne operations, infiltration, artillery spotting, relocation through mountainous and snowy terrain, etc.
This blister includes one miniature of a Guilang. Get a useful specialist infiltrator able to take down any hackable target and accomplish the scheduled mission. A must-have for any Yu Jing and White Banner player, completing the Yu Jing Action Pack.
Die Figuren sind mehrteilig und müssen zusammengebaut werden. Plastikbases sind enthalten. Alle Figuren werden unbemalt geliefert.
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Corvus Belli
Polígono Industrial Castiñeiras Nave 19
Bueu, Spanien, 36939
verantwortliche Person:
Lange Str. 54
Wolfsburg, Deutschland, 38448