Jetzt Neu! Rangers of Shadow Deep - A Gathering of Heroes

Jetzt Neu! Rangers of Shadow Deep - A Gathering of Heroes - Jetzt Neu! Rangers of Shadow Deep - A Gathering of Heroes

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Rangers of the Shadow Deep - A Gathering of Heroes bietet 192 Seiten voller neuer Inhalte, darunter:

  • Erweiterte Regeln zu Charakter-erstellung, mit neuen Traits und Limitierungen
  • 10 neue Archetypen
  • 5 Stand-alone Szenarien
  • 52 neue magische Waffen
  • ein erweitertes Bestiarium
  • sowie massig neue Artworks

With the evils of the Shadow Deep clawing at his borders, the King of Alladore sent out a call to every realm, a summoning of heroes to come and stand against the darkness. In truth, he had little hope that his plea would be answered, and it is true that no large armies have come to Alladore’s aid, but help has come! Mainly they came in ones and twos, or small unassuming groups, but they came. Spellcasters, mercenaries, knights-errant, desert nomads... heroes from the lands surrounding Alladore have come to stand with their brothers and sisters. Individually, they seem an insignificant force, but with their skills and special abilities added to those of the rangers, they might just tip the balance!
